Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My Take On Politics

Lies, deceit, scandal, BJs, blah blah blah it is all we ever hear about when talking about politics.  You ask a politician a question you hear the same bullshit answer.  Look, the United States is like 84 fijillion dollars in debt that shit ain't going away or going to get brushed under a rug.  The funny thing is that Republican supporters believe that Romney and Ryan are just going to come into office and make shit happen.  They are going to erase the deficit, they are going to create more jobs, they are going to wipe the asses of big business'......you know what I believe, none of that shit.  Obama supporters believe that he has come into office and made some headway, things are turning around, there are more jobs.  You want to know how much of this I believe, none of that shit.  The numbers are so skewed on both sides that it is funny that anyone believes anything.  How is it that there are like 7,000 different ways to find out if there are more or less jobs?  Shouldn't that be simple math?  Adding and subtracting?  I use to be Mr. Republican and not even know what I was talking about, as I have grown up and have actually been involved in intelligent conversations I have learned a few things.  What I have learned the most is I should just STFU.  If you are going to add nothing to a conversation don't pretend to know what you are talking about.  People have differing views, why would I think I am going to change someones mind.  I don't give a shit how you vote, all I want to do is get drunk with you and talk about sports or what kind of porn you like.  The people that really irritate me are the people on Facebook who think by writing a status ranting about how good or bad someone is it will change someones mind.  Guess what, people don't give a shit about who you are voting for, you going ahead and do your thing and I am gonna do mine.  I don't care what Mitt says he is gonna do, you wanna know why.....because Mitts ass is lying, Paul Ryan is a liar, Obama is a liar, and Joe Biden......is Joe Biden still alive? 

Look, I am a confused individual, I don't know if I am Democrat or Republican, half the day I don't even know where I am.  Here is how I am going to figure out what I am.  I googled "Republican vs. Democrat" to see what separated the two sides.  Here is what it told me.  I am going to breakdown my thoughts on each issue for the world to see.

Economic Ideas- No matter what my ass is gonna get taxed. I got like $38 in checking.   I say just print more money, give everyone like 10 million dollars and lets make it rain.  Do whatever you want with that 10 mil, go to Poto, get some rims, buy a house....whatever you do that is all you are getting.  Spend wisely.

Military Issues- Any country that F's with us just blow it up.  How simple is that.  Osamas ass didn't have any remorse for flying planes into the World trade Centers, I wouldn't have any remorse for watching people blow up into 1 million pieces.  hell, put it on TV at 7pm on a Friday night, I will get a forty and watch people burn.   Too much?  I don't care.

Death Penalty- Simple, you kill someone with the intent to kill someone you should die.  I actually think that the family of the deceased should get to set you on fire.  No remorse for murderers.

Abortion- I am Pro Life.......until it happens to me.  Then everything changes.

Stance on gay marriage- When I was growing up I always wanted to be cool and follow the cool kids and I truely didn't understand being gay.  Well, I have grown up.  Whether it is a choice or you are born that way I don't give a shit.  I believe that everyone should have the right to be happy.  Why should society be allowed to take that right away from a person.  Plus I need some fashion tips.

These are just 4 very basic questions I answered when trying to figure out exactly where I stand.  Guess what, I found out nothing because it is impossible for me to be serious.

The fact is, I try to find humor in things from politics to death to car accidents and maybe this will ruffle some feathers of the people who are super into politics.  I DON'T CARE.  You are being lied to, misinformed by greasey ass dudes who tell you exactly what you want to here.  No matter who wins this years election I am still going to live my life, spend too much money on weekends and love my family.  You can choose to do exactly what you want or vote for whoever you want, but I want you to think about my suggestion.

WRITE IN VOTE........GEORGE W. BUSH....he is still getting blamed for everything anyways.

Hugs and Handpounds,


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