Friday, February 19, 2010

The Daily Grind....

Today is the day I have become a blogger, my blogs are not going to be for serious minded people. They are going to be for people who are sneaking on this website at work just so they can get a quick laugh, knowing damn well that when someone walks up behind them they will get nervous and click onto a different tab.

Today I challenge you people, when you are on the internet at work and someone of importance walks up behind you, dont click off, instead continue to surf the web, act like you dont care then turn around and say "can I help you with something" in a VERY sarcastic manner.

When this person(who is probably an asshole) asks you "what are you doing" simply reply "getting some motivation at

When all is said and done that person will respect you a lot more.

Hugs and handpounds,

1 comment:

  1. Glad you have recovered from your day of sadness yesterday. I cannot wait to be an avid reader of this blog.
