Monday, February 7, 2011

Turning 31...

Welcome to my birthday week fellow blog readers. I know I need to change some shit in my life and for this whole week I will give you 3 things per day I am going to change. This is similar to a New Years Resolution, but I will call it my birthday resolutions. Simple and to the point, if you dont like it then please dont read it. I dont want to attract the HATERS to this blog.

1) I am going to watch more Jersey Shore reruns so I know every word to every episode similar to Saved By the Bell back in the day. I want to know the point in every episode where the Situation lifts up his shirt in the club so the girls can see "the situation".

2) I am going to cut down my Subway consumption by 50-59% and instead I am going to by lunch meat and bread. I actually will never do this. Big shout out to the Subway on 92nd and Greenfield. Even though I never know what the manager is saying to me because he is not from this country I will continue to keep you in business homie.

3) I am going to bust my ass to be on some kind of dance show in the next year. Whether I join the Jabawacheez or grind with Maks on Dancing With the Stars I will make a dance debut. I would even settle for being in a low budget, BET uncut, only seen after 2am video. This video must include some kind of stripper pole, a smoke machine and a girl named "Fo Real".

These are just my first 3 for this week. Stay tuned tomorrow for the next 3.

Hugs and Handpounds,


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