Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Being a GOOD friend...

I joke, I kid, I like to have fun. I have probably pushed your buttons intentionally once or twice in my life. Love me or hate me you know what you are going to get out of me. I will be the first to tell you I have told lies in your defense. If I know the truth is going to hurt your feelings then I will move in the opposite direction. I would rather see you happy then see something small ruin your day. This way of life has gotten me in trouble with some of the people who I love the most, but again I would rather see you smile. Do NOT get me wrong I have been the bearer of bad news multiple times and if I think the truth is going to be better in the long run then you will get the truth. I am talking about things like "was so and so talking about me behind my back" or "are you mad at me"? These are the type of questions I will work my way around to keep you happy. Some people lie to make themselves look better, while I admit I have embelished the truth for the sake of a good story I rarely tell a lie to make myself look better. I am not going to one up you. If you have done something I am rarely going to tell you I have done the same thing and I have actually done it better. I am simply going to let you have your time to shine.

The whole reason behind this blog is for you to question what kind of friend you are. Are you someone who craves to see people hurt so you feel better about yourself or are you someone who thinks about your friends and loved ones before you go to the point of no return? There are arguments on both sides and I understand that, but I think there is something to be said for the person who is always there telling the truth. That person likes to see you hurt.

If you are having problems understanding what I am talking about feel free to contact me.

Hugs and Handpounds,



  1. Czar,
    You are a star. I look forward to your posts and particularly enjoyed this one. You are and always have been a great friend.
    -pound it out, blow it up and trickle it down.

  2. register:
